Friday, July 15, 2011

Health threats of the most feared man


Men are more rarely talking about health problems if compared with women, especially if the problem is a little embarrassing. But at least there are 10 health problems that most often concern men. What?

The following health problems are most often feared men,

Midlife crisis (mid) or a second puberty.
Many men are over a period of anxiety in middle age. They discover they are not capable of doing many things much when they were young. They developed aches and pains and can have a problem in family relationships.
Dkin problems.
Skin problems are also high as a man's problem list, such acne, especially for the younger man and often a cause of anxiety.

Estimated 2.7 million men in the UK have a mental health problems such depression, stress and anxiety. "There is evidence that shows a lot of men suffer from depression and stress but not accessing services as well as women.

Sexual health.
Sexually transmitted infections among adolescents and young adults has reached record levels, according to a report of "Health Protection Agency" last year. Men aged between 20 and 23 years are most at risk, but increases have also been reported in an 50-years.

Protruding stomach and prominent in causing excessive visceral fat accumulates around internal organs. Visceral fat has been linked to serious health problems, such cardiovascular disease, heart disease and diabetes, and can make the penis look shorter.

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